Monday, March 19, 2007

The times they are a-changing...

You, the more astute amongst you, will have noticed a distinct lack of posts. Tick VG.
There has been a bit of a shift around in Urine Towers and from one and a bit little "pin money" jobs. I now have a number of "clients" which I won't go into here and a new venture here.
Consequently, I have decided to give up the allotments as I just don't have the time.
If anyone has the need of seed potatoes, I have 30 (10 First Early and 20 Maincrop) that you would be welcome to for the cost of the postage.

In other news, downstairs neighbour has been sent away for some time ....

PS The Artist has just noted that the above sounds a little like I offer a very dubious variety of "personal services". If only life were that interesting.