Friday, June 08, 2007

The kindness of strangers ...

While we were away at Easter people from other allotments started nicking bits and pieces from ours, supposing it to be abandoned (which in effect it was). My allotment neighbour came round and told Arty Daughter to get me to call him when we got home and I did. I was very upset as I was having to give up not only the allotment but also my lovely roses; presents from my mum and my dad before he died.
The news of the new house and the prospect of a garden seemed somewhat ironic; if only I'd known a couple of weeks ago, I might have been able to salvage them!
My delight this morning, to go downstairs to meet my allotment neighbours wife, with not even my hair brushed to be told that they had saved the roses and potted them up for me and I could go round and get them whenever we got a house.
The kindness of Tom and Mrs Tom is overwhelming. Those roses are really loved and I am so pleased that they will be coming home to our new house with us (on or about next Thursday).


Ally said...

Wonderful news!

Anonymous said...

Wondrous news, cheers the soul.

Anonymous said...

Long time, no hear. You've been tagged. :D