Wednesday, September 19, 2007

She Weevil's Moveable Feasts

Almost gone and entirely forgotten, if you would like to submit your favourite recipes for this little weblog, here, they would be most welcome.
There is already a glut of tantalising little treats there (well, perhaps glut is overstating it somewhat but it they are there nonetheless) and yours could join them. There is no prize and no reward other than the knowledge that you have been immortalised on tinternet.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Politics of envy

I am a nice person. This is a truth universally acknowledged. So why am I sitting here smouldering? Google, and more especially googling, is bad for my health. Today I found someone who used to be my best friend and she has done very nicely for herself thankyou very much. All I can think is horrid thoughts about the "golden ones". You know the ones who happen to be standing next to you when the cosmic shit hits you full in the face.

I should, as a nice person, think "Oh! Jolly good for her" but the best I can muster is a muttered "Spoiled cow" and a teeny (it was really teeny) "lucky bitch".

Tomorrow I may have come to terms with it all but today I am just plain jealous and I hope she gets a huge boil on her pretty, upturned nose.

Monday, September 17, 2007

For Diana ...

No, not that one. The nosey one from two posts down. *Waves* .

Things I should be doing today:

Minutes, minutes and more minutes. A couple of agendas. More minutes.

Things I am doing today:

Pondering on baby status over here and thinking about baby status over here. Thinking about lovely weekend on the Lizard and looking at new to us caravans on ebay. I am also thinking about how to get roughly £13,000 so I can get one of these.
And when matters of import such as those are not at the forfront of my thinking organ, I am pondering shed situation, permission and purchase.
It's all go in the house of Weevil, I can tell you.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Monday, September 03, 2007

Back to school

LTB and Surrealo Son (oh, and me) are all back to school this week. The summer holidays have been a fantastic break and we had really lovely weather down in our little caravan. Since we have been home we have finished the bathroom, started the garden in earnest and made five pounds of blackberry jam.

I have planted out two of the rescued roses along with some crocosmia, some lilies, a Bishop of Llandaff Dahlia, some catmint, and rather a lot of herbs. There are also various things that I planted from mixed packets of seeds that are yet to be identified - some look a bit like sunflowers and the dog keeps eating them (who knew?) and the other has glaucous foliage with a red vein - keep your smutty thoughts to yourselves - and may well be a brassica of some type. Whatever, it has provided an attractive addition to the border.

I was also lucky to have been given some lavender plants and honeysuckles and jasmines by my mum for my birthday along with another beautiful David Austin rose "Heritage". Thanks Mum.