Monday, September 17, 2007

For Diana ...

No, not that one. The nosey one from two posts down. *Waves* .

Things I should be doing today:

Minutes, minutes and more minutes. A couple of agendas. More minutes.

Things I am doing today:

Pondering on baby status over here and thinking about baby status over here. Thinking about lovely weekend on the Lizard and looking at new to us caravans on ebay. I am also thinking about how to get roughly £13,000 so I can get one of these.
And when matters of import such as those are not at the forfront of my thinking organ, I am pondering shed situation, permission and purchase.
It's all go in the house of Weevil, I can tell you.


Greg said...

If you come up with a good way to get £13,000 do let us know how you've done it, won't you.

She Weevil said...

only way I can think of is murder at the mo, which might not give me much time for enjoying a new van